A Civic Guides example that talks to the local Australian community


A powerful network of small-format signs with nationwide coverage.

With 700+ outdoor sites Australia wide, Civic Guides capture mass audiences in their local communities. Civic Guide adverts are one of the most locally targeted forms of advertising you can buy. Affordable and easy to book, these hard-working billboards located at eye level reach a wide variety of audiences as they go about their daily routines.

Talk to one of our team today on how Civic Guides can engage with your local community. Call us on (03) 8580 6091 or email


In certain regional areas of South Australia and Northern Territory, our Civic Guides retain the traditional format.

This classic format allows multiple advertisers to join a single community board, offering tourists and residents alike helpful information about the surrounding area, and what businesses to look for online.

A digital billboard in Melbourne operated by our Civic Outdoor advertising agency


At Civic Outdoor we have a powerful network of civic guides with nationwide coverage. With 500+ outdoor sites Australia wide, civic guides capture mass audiences in their local communities right in the centre of where they need to be located for best exposure.

Civic guides are affordable and easy to book. These hard-working street level billboards located at eye level reach a wide variety of audiences that are going about their daily routines. They easily attract the attention of passers-by. Civic guides give your advertising maximum exposure by capturing mass audiences in high traffic areas where repeat journeys will increase brand recognition and awareness.

Civic guides are often located in the central part of the community. This gives them the advantage of grabbing their audience’s attention while they are driving, riding or even walking past. The other benefit to civic guides is that often the audience is passing by more slowly and in a more relaxed environment. This giving numerous opportunities for the audience to take in the message of the advertisement. Most people have perused the offering on a civic guide somewhere. People often see civic guides as a community noticeboard so they seek them out deliberately to find valuable information; so they are less likely to be seen as intrusive advertising.

The cost of civic guides depends on the location of the advertisement, the length of your campaign, and whether you choose to display your own design or take advantage of our creative design services. Affordable and easy to purchase, our civic guides are one of the most locally targeted forms of advertising you can use to connect with your consumers. 

Civic guides can be effective when placed in a variety of locations. Some of the most effective sites for civic guides are libraries, schools, and government buildings. Civic guides can also be placed in other public places, such as community centres, parks, and shopping malls. 

Advertising is a very personal experience. While one advert may serve a brand and consumers well, another in the same location might not yield the same results. Our media planning services create a strategic plan for your civic guide campaign to identify optimal areas in accordance with your target audience’s demographics to drive the results you have been searching for.

If you’re interested in reaching thousands of Australians, our civic guide media will put your brand and product in front of the audience and community you’re trying to target. To get started, contact us and allow us to help drive awareness of your service.

Looking to create an additional income stream? We are searching for new partners who are willing to rent space on their property for our civic guides. Our billboard development services will pay you for the space our adverts occupy and their operational costs.